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Olivia G – Wind | Minneapolis St Paul Twin Cities Minnesota | Professional Dance and Ballet Photographer Emily Charais

This summer I decided to start a project of dance sessions that had a theme or focus to each of them to personally push myself in searching for the artistry in my dancers, and to show what is possible for my dancers beyond my studio and audition portraits. I decided on using the elements in nature to intertwine my dancers with: Sun, Earth, Wind, and Water. Olivia is a past client of a few times of mine, both with her dancing, and senior portraits, so when she volunteered to be a part of my project I was elated! Olivia has an amazing sense of self, and is absolutely the bravest dancer when it comes to just going to the movement. She connects so deeply to her dancing, that I knew she would be perfect for it. I chose wind for Olivia, and the results were just incredible. I am so in love with this project and look forward to sharing more!

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Hello and welcome!

Emily Charais is a professional portrait artist available for booking worldwide, but based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul Minnesota. She specializes in organic and relaxed Family and senior portraits. She also brings decades of ballet technique knowledge to her dance sessions, making her a unique asset to the Minneapolis dance community.

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Follow Emily on Insta @emilycharais or @minneapolisdancephotographer